
Showing posts from July, 2021

A Story

In the muted and subdued dead of night, I sat alone indulging in reminiscence. The lovely tale of our own, The raised fantasies, The shattered dreams, Does Your mind never vision? The terminated tale of life? Unable to weep in content, Awkward to even grin, The song of cuckoo in the new moon, lullabied, My nightfall, My heart ponder every new day, I shall write a new story. The tale of you and I, I hark back to it, Up till now.

The Universal Law : Entropy

It is quite bemusing that all spontaneous processes occurring in the entire system of our world is progressing towards decay and chaos. Everything that happens naturally without any intervention creates disorder and randomness. Science calls it entropy and leads to understand the direction of flow of energy.  But why does this happen? Why nature is more inclined towards destruction and chaos and not towards stability?  Because nature loves balance and scientifically speaking equilibrium.  Science has proved that the entire universe is expanding (big bang theory). So if it is expanding, then at some axiomatic t=0 there would have been nothing or zero or an atom from where everything was created. It's unbelievable that all these stars and galaxies were born from some unimaginable dense atom. And one day it decided that an equilibrium is needed and it blasted itself out. From that day onwards entropy is continuously increasing. But then again nature told us, I will be doing things as