A letter to the aliens of the Earth
Dear Aliens, Like most things, this letter is late but I hope not too late. I found out about you only the other week. I am a being of the planet 'Sukarion' from your nearest galaxy, the Andromeda. Honestly, I'm quite sure that I won't get a reply to this letter but my curious heart has forced me to write this. I don’t even know how will I teleport this letter to you guys but I have to at least try. I, being an absolute science nerd, have always wondered about aliens. And to my surprise, I saw in the news some days ago, that the SSO (Sukarion Space Organization) has discovered the presence of life on your planet- Earth. The whole planet was dumbstruck by the news. Half of the people have even started making weapons. They have predicted that you aliens would come to our planet and destroy us. I don't know why the others see aliens as a threat. It seems that you people are about to destroy your own planet and also already depleted your resources? Is it t...